Susan Vaughn, director of special education for the Ascension Parish school system, is among officials with questions about state Superintendent of Education John White's plan to overhaul the way the state aids special education students. 'Our major concern is that we need to keep the individual child in mind,' Vaughn said Friday.
The proposal has put a spotlight on the state’s roughly 82,000 public special education students, who draw $313 million per year in state aid; what, if any, changes are launched, including a three-year phase-in for a new system, may be decided by the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education on March 7-8.
State Superintendent of Education John White, the chief advocate of the overhaul, wants to set up a system where state aid is based in part on a child’s disability, such as a speech or language impairment, mental disability or autism.
“I do think that we need fundamental change,” White told the Superintendents Advisory Council on Thursday.
Proposed special education overhaul debated
Take Action! - Cease and Desist ALL lies, denials, falsities, deception, hyperboles, dishonesty, and untruthfulness - for whatever reason or rationale. Instead, let's live in truth, honesty, transparency, reality, as well as, the conveyance of information and knowledge based on FACTS. People want the FACTS. People can handle the Truth.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Special ed revamp sparks debate
White, whose agency backed the bill, said disagreements reflect the tension between advocates of flexibility versus those who say alternate paths to graduation risk underestimating students with disabilities.
Special ed revamp sparks debate | Home | The Advocate — Baton Rouge, LA
Special ed revamp sparks debate | Home | The Advocate — Baton Rouge, LA
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Monday, June 23, 2014
Geaux Teacher!: Louisiana Teachers Believe It Is Their Professiona...
Geaux Teacher!: Louisiana Teachers Believe It Is Their Professiona...: I forwarded the teachers' letter to the editor submission to all district superintendents because THEY have ultimate responsibility for ...
ABCs of DumbDown: Charlotte's Radio Interview Tuesday June 24th
Whistleblower and former U.S. DoE Senior Policy Advisor, Charlotte Isbety's radio interview will discuss the tax-funded school "choice" and charters with their unelected boards.
I will especially cover the role of Weatherman (Communist) Bill Ayers' brother, John Ayers who, having left the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, is now heading up the Cowen Institute for Public Educations Initiatiives (i.e., school "choice"/charters) at Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Click below for listening details:
ABCs of DumbDown: Charlotte's Radio Interview Tuesday June 24th: MARK YOUR CALENDAR: TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 10 A.M. EST Don't miss this important discussion of tax-funded school "choice" and c...
Sen.Policy Advisor in the OERI., U.S. Dept. of Ed., during the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America's classrooms. Iserbyt is a former school board director and co-founder of Guardians of Education for Maine (GEM). She served in the American Red Cross on Guam and Japan during the Korean War, and in the US Foreign Service in Belgium and in the Rep of South Africa. Iserbyt is a speaker and writer, best known for her 1999 (2011) book the deliberate dumbing down of america. She also wrote Back to Basics Reform or OBE: Skinnerian International Curriculum (1985) and Soviets in the Classroom: America's Latest Education Fad (1989). She has published numerous articles in major news outlets
Friday, June 20, 2014
Common Core Polls & #CCSS Surveys
Parents have mixed reactions to Jindal's attempt to block Common Core (video)
Eyewitness News caught up with Pamela First and her family at City Park. The Slidell resident's son is entering seventh grade, and First thinks Common Core needs to stick around but be fine tuned.
"I still think they need to work out the program and everything. The teachers don't really have an understanding of it either," said First.
Eyewitness News caught up with Pamela First and her family at City Park. The Slidell resident's son is entering seventh grade, and First thinks Common Core needs to stick around but be fine tuned.
"I still think they need to work out the program and everything. The teachers don't really have an understanding of it either," said First.
The Dangers of Implementing TQM in America's Education System
In true Frankensteinian fashion, the social engineers who are at work in our schools have hatched a most diabolical plan to produce “Zero-defect” children and adults for the 21st Century.
Remembering Jed: A Traditional Educator: Total Quality Madness
Remembering Jed: A Traditional Educator: Total Quality Madness
When did we get standards? How did we get assessments? Is there an agenda connected to either or both of these?
Our system of education was created and shaped according to the progressive ideology and agendas of Horace Mann (1796-1859) and John
Dewey (1859-1952); the “philanthropy” of Carnegie, Rockefeller, many others, and now Gates; the NEA; psychologists; Marc Tucker;
UNESCO; and, the unconstitutional actions of many officeholders:
The Father of the Common School Movement, Horace Mann, advocated and introduced the Prussian system of education to the U.S.
The People, LLC

Details on La. Gov. Jindal’s Common Core and PARCC Exit
Some have questioned whether Jindal is serious or just showcasing for the cameras.
He is serious.
Jindal’s suspension of PARCC occurred within thirty days of May 20, 2014– with one day to spare.
The second executive order above poses two issues for White: First, he must produce that PARCC MOU for PARCC purchase that he told the House Appropriations Committee doesn’t exist.
Another issue is that White’s PARCC spending will be audited. On April 8, 2014, White told the House Appropriations Committee that the state education budget was $55 million short.
Details on La. Gov. Jindal’s Common Core and PARCC Exit | deutsch29
He is serious.
Jindal’s suspension of PARCC occurred within thirty days of May 20, 2014– with one day to spare.
The second executive order above poses two issues for White: First, he must produce that PARCC MOU for PARCC purchase that he told the House Appropriations Committee doesn’t exist.
Another issue is that White’s PARCC spending will be audited. On April 8, 2014, White told the House Appropriations Committee that the state education budget was $55 million short.
Details on La. Gov. Jindal’s Common Core and PARCC Exit | deutsch29
ABCs of DumbDown: "Designing a System of Skill Standards" for Childr...
ABCs of DumbDown: "Designing a System of Skill Standards" for Childr...: In working on posts for my blog I ran across this fascinating paper which I sent out to my research list! Note the Editor's Note co...
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
A Chronicle of Echoes: Who’s Who in the Implosion of American Public

My book has a hashtag on Facebook: #chronicleofechoes
It also has a Facebook page.
My Book, A Chronicle of Echoes, is Now Available on Kindle | deutsch29
State to Continue Implementing Common Core, PARCC

"The state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) and the Louisiana Department of Education today reaffirmed that the state will implement the Common Core State Standards, as well as grade 3-8 test forms and questions developed by states within the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career (PARCC) for the 2014-2015 school year. The Department will deliver and score the grade 3-8 tests using the state's currently active contract for grade 3-8 testing, awarded through the state procurement process.
For years, the law has required that BESE measure literacy and math achievement," said BESE President Chas Roemer. "Four years ago, our board committed to measuring learning in comparison with states across the country, and two years ago the Legislature put this plan into the law. BESE is continuing to implement that law."
"State and federal law have long required that Louisiana measure literacy and math performance through standards and annual tests," said State Superintendent John White. "By using test forms and questions that make results comparable among states, we are following the Legislature's mandate that we not only measure but also compete."
For further information on Louisiana's plan to raise expectations and compete with other states, click here.
Governor Jindal Asks PARCC to Withdraw from Louisiana - Governor Bobby Jindal | State of Louisiana
The Governor also issued the following Executive Orders:
Governor Jindal said, “It's time for PARCC to withdraw from Louisiana. We won’t let the federal government take over Louisiana’s education standards.
“Additionally, proponents weren’t up front about federal involvement in PARCC and Common Core
The Governor sent the following letter to PARCC outlining these actions:
June 18, 2014
Dear Commissioner Chester,
Governor Jindal Asks PARCC to Withdraw from Louisiana - Governor Bobby Jindal | State of Louisiana
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
TRUST ... the only kind of influence that really matters

Each interaction with a person is a “moment of trust”
TRUST ... the only kind of influence that really matters
Microsoft Surface Pro 3 Review

Microsoft has finally launched Surface Pro 3 and it looks like a futuristic device which comes with a lot of amazing features. All such qualities of Surface Pro 3 are packed in a thin tablet and it clearly shows the vision of Microsoft. Microsoft has a vision of replacing laptops and computers with tablets and this vision finally seems like it will materialize soon enough.
Microsoft Surface Pro 3 Review
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Jindal vetoes bill to soften Common Core | Home |
"Given the widespread opposition and the gravity of any decision that affects our children, I have vetoed House Bill 953 and hear by return it to the House of Representatives," he wrote.
Jindal vetoes bill to soften Common Core | Home | The Advocate — Baton Rouge, LA
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Shatterproof screens that save smartphones
Shatterproof screens that save smartphones
#OffTarget - TARGET's MisFire - Moms Shocked By In-Store Open Carry Policy

Semi-automatic assault rifles don’t belong in the baby aisle—or anywhere else in Target. Yet gun extremists around the country have made it a point to bring their rifles into Target stores. Moms don’t want to feel unsafe and intimidated when we go shopping with our children. We’re asking Target to immediately end open carry in its stores. Target needs to follow in the footsteps of Starbucks, Chipotle, Chili’s, Sonic and Jack in the Box and put customer safety first. Nearly 90% of Target customers are women; they need to know we expect them to get gun sense.
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Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America
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