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Saturday, February 8, 2014
Northshore carnival float thanks wounded veterans
THE NORTH SHORE ON A SPECIAL FLOAT YOU ARE LIKELY TO SEE MORE THAN ONCE AS THE PARADES ROLL. AND AS NORTH SHORE REPORTER HEATH ALLEN SHOWS US.. THIS ONE WILL MAKE YOU STAND UP AND CHEER. There's something about this float being built here in Slidell that's just a little special, you see it's being built for a group of folks who are special indeed. We just want to give back, do something for those guys who are doing something for us. IN A MARDI GRAS DEN ON THE NORTH SHORE .. WORKERS ARE HARD AT IT.. COMPLETING A FLOAT TO HONOR U-S SERVICE PERSONNEL WOUNDED IN ACTION. AND THEY ARE REACHING OUT NOW.. TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE MILITARY WOUNDED IN ACTION.. WHO WANT TO RIDE THIS FLOAT IN NORTH SHORE MARDI GRAS PARADES. People who are wounded or maybe have an injury or are wheel chair bound may not have that opportunity, whereas now, because of this float, it is wheelchair accessible. They will always have that opportunity. nat sot THIS IS WHAT THE FLOAT WILL LOOK LIKE.. FROM THE OUTSIDE.. ARTISANS WORK TO CREATE THE SYMBOLIC SOLDIER THAT WILL HEAD THE FLOAT.. BUT IT'S WHAT'S ON THE INSIDE THAT MAKES THIS RIDE SO COOL. A guy's in a wheel chair, he'll be able to roll right up to the side of the float and get closer to the crowd. and actually reach out and hand things to people. THE FLOAT IS THE LATEST IDEA OF NORTH SHORE CONTRACTOR RONNIE NATAL. LAST YEAR.. PRETTY MUCH OUT OF HIS OWN POCKET.. HE STARTED BUILDING THESE FLOATS FOR NORTH SHORE PARADES THAT ACTUALLY STAY ON THE NORTH SHORE. THE IDEA.. NORTHSHORE CREWS WOULDN'T HAVE TO PAY TO HAVE FLOATS TRANSPORTED ACROSS THE LAKE. THREE NEW FLOATS ARE BEING ADDED THIS YEAR.. BUT THIS ONE HITS CLOSE TO HOME. He has a brother Randy who was in Afghanistan and just came back, like everyone knows somebody who's in the military. I have a nephew in the military. We're all going to group together and donate all the beads for them and just try to get them on and let them have a great time. YOU'LL LIKELY SEE THIS FLOAT IN THE NORTH SHORE PARADES.. THE SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN RIDE FREE. AN OPPORTUNITY TO BE A PART OF SOMETHING THAT MEANS SO MUCH TO THIS AREA.. FOR A GROUP OF HEROES.. WHO MEAN SO MUCH MORE. ON YOUR SIDE ON THE NORTH SHORE, HEATH ALLEN WDSU NEWS. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON HOW YOU CAN BE A PART OF THE EFFORT.. OR IF YOU KNOW A WOUNDED SERVICE MEMBER WHO WANTS TO RIDE.. JUST LOG ONTO OUR WEBSITE AT WDSU.COM. {transcript}
Yesterday was a super-fun day for many of us here at Northshore Parent–it was the day we tasted King Cakes from all over the Northshore in order to determine which was the best. Tough job, right? Here’s how we selected which cakes to try: we asked our readers to tell us their favorite cakes and […]
Our exciting Who Dat KingCake gets you in the mood for the big game! Based on the traditional Mardi Gras KingCake, our popular oval shaped “Who Dat” cake ...
Festival offers 20 to taste, along with kids’ activities - Bakers from across the greater New Orleans area will be cutting up this Sunday at the first King Cake Festival, held at Champions Square to benefit, appropriately enough, the pediatric and neonatal departments of Ochsner Medical Center. The square by the Superdome will be filled with king cake connoisseurs, novices and everyone in between as they reignite the debate over who makes the best king cake in town. And 20 bakeries will produce their signature cakes.
“Each king cake vendor will submit one king cake for the People’s Choice vote, and in addition to that, each baker can choose to enter into subcategories — the best filled cake, best savory cake, best nontraditional, best baby, and so on,” said Kathleen McCullen, philanthropy department director of events at Ochsner Medical Center, which is sponsoring the event. And for those who can’t wait until Sunday to get a taste of the cakes, Ochsner is hosting a preview party at the Benson Towers on Saturday, Feb. 8 for $75 which includes food, drinks and king cake tasting. The NewOrleans Advocate.
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